Andrew Weil, MD
// Founder and Director, Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, University of Arizona College of Medicine
// Jones/Lovell Professor of Integrative Rheumatology, University of Arizona (endowed chair)
“One of TIME magazine’s 100 most influential people in the world, 2005.”
Dr. Andrew Weil is a pioneer of integrative medicine and is the driving force behind a new wave of doctors practicing evidence based mind body medicine.
Dr. Andrew Weil has been on the cover of TIME magazine twice, which also named him one of the 25 most influential Americans in 1997 and one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2005. His 11 books have been sold more than 10 million times world wide and his website gets an average of 4.1 million monthly page views. So, it’s easy to see why the New York Times magazine says he’s “arguably become America’s best-known doctor.”
We filmed with Dr. Weil in Tuscon, Arizona where he is known for pioneering Integrative Medicine and founding the Center for Integrative Medicine at The University of Arizona. The Center has now graduated more than 1000 Fellows in Integrative Medicine from 15 different countries.
“One day we’ll be able to drop the word ‘integrative.’ This will just be good medicine.”
The Harvard medical graduate is passionate about integrative medicine and believes that adding mind body medicine is key to a well-rounded health care approach. He champions a future where we no longer use the word integrative because incorporating mind body medicine will be seen as just good medicine.
Dr. Weil donates his after-tax profits from royalties from sales of his products to the Weil Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting integrative medicine through training, education and research.
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