I’m a journalist on a mission to inform, empower and inspire you to make long-lasting, healthy changes in your life.

Over ten years ago I faced a personal health crisis and doctors couldn’t give me a cause or a cure. As a journalist, I went in search of answers, compiling the latest research proving a connection between our mind, body and health. That research became the basis for The Connection, a film which includes remarkable stories of people recovering from illnesses like cancer, heart disease, infertility, chronic pain and MS.

I now write a popular blog about how I use this research in my every day life, my interviews with leading experts and the real-life stories of people who are successfully using evidence-based lifestyle advice alongside the best of conventional medicine to live happier, healthier and longer lives.

- Shannon Harvey


A Beginner's Guide To Starting A Mindfulness Practice

// Shannon Harvey

Social (Media) Distancing And Good (News) Hygiene: Five Ways To Stop “Stress Contagion”

// Shannon Harvey

Embracing Imperfection And The Art Of Being A Compassionate Mess

// Shannon Harvey